1. Open Illustrator
2. Your document size should be set at W:1440px and H:792px.
3. On the left hand side of the screen choose the rectangle tool. (It is the fourth one down.)
4. Now, create a rectangle that is W:1101px by H:710px. Place that rectangle so the top right corner is aligned with the top right-hand corner of your page. The top-edge and right-edge should be aligned with the edge of the page. There should be no white space showing. This rectangle color should be: #148496.
5. To do that click on the rectangle, then look on the left-hand side you will see a white square, double click that. On the very bottom you will see the # symbol. Enter the number 148496. That will make the rectangle the correct color.
6. Look at the colored square on your tool bar, under that is a square with a grey square inside. That is your fill line. Click on that and make sure to use a black fill line.
7. On the far right of your screen under Appearance you will see an option for Fill. That should be the color. Under is stroke. That should be black and 1px.
8. Right-click on the rectangle tool and choose the polygon tool. (It is the third one down.)
9. Create a large polygon. W: 355px by H:308px.
10. This place this polygon on the far right side of the rectangle you just built. The rectangle should sit 54px from the far right edge, and 25px from the top edge. (On the right side of the polygon there is a the top point, then the second point. That second point is going to be 54px from the edge)
11. Now create a second polygon. The top right hand point should align with the left point of the first polygon you made. It should be about 19px apart. The second polygon should be left, and down from the first polygon.
12. Now create a third polygon. The top right hand point should align with the left point of the second polygon you made. It should be about 19px apart. The third polygon should be left, and down from the second polygon.
13. When looking at all three polygons from left to right, you should be able to imagine someone walking from the first to the third like they are walking down steps.
14. The bottom edge of the third polygon should be 40px from the bottom of the rectangle.
15. The far left point of the polygon should be 100px from the point to the edge of the square.
16. Now make your first polygon this color: 0DD6F7
17. Now make your second polygon this color: 1E7DBC
18. Now make your second polygon this color: 3CAEBA
19. Make sure all of your polygons have no stroke.
20. Good Luck! Email to lsaunde@gmu.edu